OxyHives Testimonials

I just wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful product! I’ve suffered from hives and allergies all of my life but my case has been very severe over the past 5 years. After much research I felt I had a systemic urticaria but I couldn’t get anyone to listen to me or treat it. I've also tried a lot of new products, but they didn't show any results, so I kept suffering itchy wheals. Then, a friend recommended me the use of OxyHives. It’s hard to believe the results I’m seeing but I am so grateful that I’m feeling like a whole person again and I can’t thank you enough.

Loren G.

It started out on the soles of my feet and gradually spread up my legs…by the time I got home my whole body felt hot and itchy-- like I had rolled in fiberglass insulation! I tore off my clothes in front of the mirror, and was horrified. Raised, red, wheals and splotches all over my skin—even on my scalp! Nothing seemed to help, and I was miserable for weeks… The OxyHives Formula did give me my relief! I started to use the OxyHives spray for two weeks and the itching started to stop! I could finally sleep at night! After about four weeks, the pain in my tissues and hip joints from what ever I caught in the yard or from our new house had subsided. Then I just didn't have hives any more! I love the products so much I let people know who need help everywhere. Even My own dermatologist!

Simon S.

Curing Hives

Okay let's start this off by saying I have suffered from extreme breakouts of hives, the reason unknown to me. How did I deal with these outbreaks? Good question. Well the first time it happened I was rushed to the hospital, an IV and some Benadryl later I was able to breath again the swelling had gone down and I was sleeping the day away. Sleeping was great but this happened first thing in the morning I had things to do and I like many can not function with Benadryl in my system. And with several bigger and worse breakouts that I dealt with in the years to come I felt that I needed to find a curing hives remedy of sorts.

While searching online I happened to come across a product that had great claims,
NO pills
NO creams


Skin Sensitivity
Light Sensitivity

everything associated with hives. Curing hives in my mind was now a possibility. Or at least a way to STOP HIVES. I found and read about this product, OxyHives.
Only a few squirts under the tongue and I was amazed at how well it worked. it has been 18 months now since my last breakout and I am going strong! So be sure to buy your CURE HIVES remedy today you will not regret it!
